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Ovarian Cancer Trial Results: Survival Rate

The median expected survival of all ten patients from the day they failed their traditional therapy prior to HEATT® was 8.9 months. This estimation was based on a study published by Hanker in 2012 [1] which found that ovarian cancer patients who failed three lines of chemotherapy were expected to live 8.9 months after the day when their chemotherapy stopped working. Eight of the ten patients in the ovarian study survived beyond the time predicted by the Hanker study.


Clinical Trial: Ovarian Cancer Overview

The Verthermia® team conducted an FDA Phase 1 clinical trial during 2014-2015, resulting in significant findings on the positive impact of the HEATT® (formally VV-PISH) procedure. These findings indicated improved survival rates and the ability to engage in daily living activities. Most of the patients enrolled in the study were in hospice or had advanced unresponsive cancer and completed at least one cycle of HEATT®.

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