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Advanced Cancer Treatment

Verthermia®’s HEATT® procedure represents a breakthrough in cancer treatment. By harnessing the body’s heat and circulation, HEATT® targets cancerous cells without the need for chemicals or invasive methods. This innovative lung cancer treatment therapy has been refined over three decades and prioritizes patient safety by closely monitoring vital signs throughout the treatment process. Experience the future of cancer therapy with Verthermia®’s HEATT®.

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Revolutionizing Cancer

Hyperthermia therapy, an FDA-approved best lung cancer treatment covered by most insurance plans, is a potent adjunct to radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or immunotherapy. This lung cancer treatment option utilizes ultrasonic heat to weaken and destroy tumors, significantly improving treatment outcomes across various types of cancer.

Hyperthermia therapy is an advanced lung cancer treatment that can enhance the effectiveness of chemotherapy or radiation therapy by increasing the likelihood of a complete response, meaning it improves the chances of these treatments killing all the cancerous cells in a tumor. The earlier a patient undergoes these natural lung cancer treatments, the better their prognosis. Here are some key benefits of hyperthermia therapy:

  1. Improves outcomes of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
  2. Activates a natural immune response in both the body and the tumor.
  3. Directly disrupts the growth of new cancer cells.
  4. Inhibits cancer cell DNA repair.

What is HEATT®?

Verthermia® provides Hyperthermic Extracorporeal Applied Tumor Therapy (HEATT®), a patented, whole-body hyperthermia cancer treatment to extend and enhance daily living for cancer patients.

Why 42° Celsius?

42° C has been scientifically identified as an optimal temperature because it can damage cancer cells while providing minimal harm to healthy cells.

How Does HEATT®
Treatment Work?

Hyperthermia actually stimulates the body’s immune system to fight against tumors. The heat from the treatment increases the ability of T cells to identify and attack cancerous cells. Hyperthermia also prevents cancer cells from repairing themselves by damaging their DNA irreparably.

The radiation treatments for lung cancer create a fever-like environment around and within the tumor, which activates the body’s immune system to attack. This provides the body with an additional defense mechanism along with chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

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Patients can expect to handle this small cell lung cancer treatment well, with the majority experiencing mild or no side effects. Increased blood flow caused by hyperthermia allows radiation or chemotherapy to penetrate deeper into the tumor, enhancing their effectiveness. Hyperthermia can be utilized to treat a variety of cancers, including breast, colon & rectal, prostate, ovarian, thyroid, head & neck, sarcomas, bladder, cervical, melanoma, liver, endometrial & uterine, metastases, and other cancers.

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How Does HEATT® Work in Killing Cancer Cells?

HEATT® works by raising the temperature of the patient’s blood outside the body and then returning it, now heated, through a closed-loop system. This elevated temperature directly targets lung cancer cells, causing them to die or become more susceptible to other treatments like chemotherapy or radiation.

  • Non-Invasive Mechanics
  • Data-Driven Treatment

Non-Invasive Mechanics

HEATT® provides whole-body hyperthermia cancer treatment through a perfusion based procedure that does not involve surgical resection of tumors or radiation.


At Verthermia®, we believe that everyone should have access to effective cancer treatments. Our clinical trials to date have shown positive patient outcomes with whole-body hyperthermia treatment.

Advanced Cancer Results

Verthermia® trial patients with unresponsive lung cancer exceeded average life expectancy after receiving HEATT®.


Frequently Asked Questions

Hyperthermia therapy is a treatment that uses heat to target and destroy cancer cells while minimizing damage to healthy tissue. It can be used in combination with other treatments like chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
Yes, hyperthermia therapy is considered safe when performed by trained professionals. The treatment is carefully monitored to ensure that the temperature is maintained at a safe level. Patients should also inquire about lung cancer treatment costs before choosing any treatment option.
The majority of patients experience mild or no side effects from hyperthermia therapy. Some may experience temporary discomfort or redness at the treatment site.

Hyperthermia therapy can improve the outcomes of chemotherapy or radiation therapy by increasing the likelihood of a complete response, meaning it improves the chances of these treatments killing all the cancerous cells in a tumor.

Hyperthermia therapy may be recommended for patients with certain types of cancer, especially those that are resistant to other treatments. Your oncologist can determine if you are a suitable candidate for hyperthermia therapy.
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