Innovative Lyme Disease Treatment

Whole-Body Hyperthermia

Lyme disease, caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi, is often challenging to treat, especially in its chronic stages. Traditional antibiotics can sometimes fail to eliminate the bacteria completely, leaving patients with persistent symptoms. However, a novel approach, whole-body hyperthermia, offers a promising solution.

What is Whole-Body Hyperthermia?

Whole-body hyperthermia is an advanced treatment technique where the patient’s core body temperature is elevated to extreme levels, between 106.9°F and 107.2°F. This method leverages high temperatures to potentially destroy residual Lyme bacteria in the body. The treatment is carried out in a controlled environment, ensuring patient safety and comfort throughout the process.

The Procedure

Antibiotic Synergy

During the whole-body hyperthermia treatment, patients are administered a combination of powerful antibiotics, including:

Ceftriaxone: A broad-spectrum antibiotic effective against a variety of bacterial infections.
β-Lactam Antibiotics: These inhibit bacterial cell wall synthesis, crucial for bacterial survival.
Metronidazole: Targets anaerobic bacteria and certain parasites.

Why High Temperatures?

The rationale behind using such high temperatures is based on the heat sensitivity of Lyme bacteria. At temperatures above their survival threshold, the bacteria become more susceptible to destruction. This method, combined with antibiotics, could provide a comprehensive approach to eradicating the infection, especially in cases where conventional treatments have failed.

Safety and Efficacy

Patient safety is paramount in whole-body hyperthermia. The treatment is conducted in a controlled environment with continuous monitoring by medical professionals. The use of sedation ensures the patient’s comfort, while the intensive care setting allows for immediate intervention if necessary.


Whole-body hyperthermia represents a cutting-edge approach to treating Lyme disease, particularly in its chronic form. By elevating the body temperature to levels intolerable for Lyme bacteria and combining this with potent antibiotics, this treatment offers hope to those suffering from persistent Lyme disease symptoms. As with any medical treatment, it is essential to consult with healthcare professionals to determine the best course of action for individual cases.

Explore the potential of whole-body hyperthermia and take a step towards a Lyme-free life with our advanced treatment options. For more information and to schedule a consultation, visit our website or contact our medical team today.

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