
Hyperthermia Cancer Treatment: HEATT® and Clinical Insights

Hyperthermia cancer treatment is a promising approach in the field of oncology, offering potential benefits for patients suffering from advanced-stage cancers. This innovative therapy involves raising body temperature to target and destroy cancer cells while sparing healthy tissue.

In this review, we will look at the recent progress in regard to hyperthermia treatment for cancer.

We will begin by discussing the development of Veno-Venous Perfusion Induced Systemic Hyperthermia (VV-PISH), which evolved into the current form – HEATT® (Hyperthermic Extracorporeal Applied Tumor Therapy), focusing on its modified simplified circuit for heating blood and effective temperature control during therapy.

Next, we’ll examine clinical trials conducted on lung and ovarian cancer patients, analyzing their study outcomes and methodologies. Lastly, we’ll explore patient criteria for receiving hyperthermia therapy as well as potential applications beyond oncology.

By understanding these aspects of hyperthermia cancer treatment, medical professionals can better assess HEATT® as an alternative or complementary option for their patients with advanced unresponsive cancers.

The Development of HEATT®

Hyperthermic Extracorporeal Applied Tumor Therapy (HEATT®) is a groundbreaking, multi-disciplinary effort to develop an innovative system that delivers hyperthermia, or high heat, to the entire body as a potential treatment for advanced-stage cancers.  This method is especially relevant when medical treatments have been tried and are no longer effective.

Modified Simplified Circuit for Heating Blood

In order to effectively deliver whole-body hyperthermia cancer treatment through HEATT® technology, Verthermia’s team has developed a modified simplified circuit that allows them to safely heat patients’ blood.  This specialized circuit enables medical professionals to precisely control the temperature at which blood is heated before it returns back into circulation within the patient’s body.

The key components of this revolutionary therapy include heating blood from the venous side of the body while tightly controlling temperature, pH levels, and electrolytes.

The blood heated over 30 minutes to a target core body temperature of 42°C for two hours, before being cooled down to normal range within 30-40 minutes. By doing so, optimal conditions are maintained throughout treatment without causing harm.

Temperature Control During Therapy

A crucial aspect of HEATT’s success lies in its ability to maintain strict control over various factors during therapy sessions – most notably temperature regulation. In fact, precise temperature management is vital not only for ensuring patient safety but also maximizing therapeutic effectiveness against unresponsive tumors.

Through continuous monitoring and adjustments made by experienced medical personnel during each session, temperatures, electrolytes, and pH remain consistent throughout the entire body with minimal fluctuations – ultimately contributing towards improved outcomes overall.

The development of HEATT® has been a promising advancement in cancer treatment, and clinical trials have demonstrated safety and efficacy.

Clinical Trials in Lung and Ovarian Cancer

The phase one clinical trials for HEATT specifically targeted advanced-stage lung and ovarian cancer and chronicled the improvements in the delivery of systemic hyperthermia.

Advanced Lung Cancer Study Outcomes

In the first FDA phase one study, patients with advanced lung cancer were treated using the initial form of HEATT® ( VV-PISH), resulting in a significant increase in their survival rates compared to matched concurrent controls. This groundbreaking trial demonstrated that whole-body hyperthermia could potentially extend the lives of individuals battling this aggressive form of cancer when other treatments have failed.

Ovarian Cancer Trial Methodology

In the wake of the encouraging results from the lung cancer trial, Verthermia® researchers conducted another phase one trial focused on ovarian cancer. The results from this ovarian cancer trial also showed safety and prolonged survival for patients who had not responded to conventional therapies, including surgery, radiation, chemotherapy or immunotherapy.

  • Lung Cancer: Patients experienced increased survival rates compared to a matched control group receiving standard care.
  • Ovarian Cancer: Promising results showcased safety and effectiveness against unresponsive tumors after undergoing HEATT® treatment.

Clinical trials in lung and ovarian cancer have provided valuable insight into the efficacy of HEATT treatment, emerging as an increasingly viable option for those suffering from advanced stages of these cancers when conventional methods are no longer effective.

Verthermia’s proprietary HEATT® system’s innovative approach demonstrates great potential to revolutionize cancer treatment and improve the lives of those affected by this devastating disease.

Patient Criteria and Potential Applications

When considering the use of HEATT for cancer treatment, we seek to identify suitable candidates who can benefit from this innovative approach. As a cutting-edge therapy, systemic hyperthermia holds promise in addressing various types of cancers and other illnesses beyond oncology.

Identifying Suitable Patient Profiles

The ideal candidates for HEATT are patients with advanced-stage cancers that have not responded well to standard care options such as surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, or immunotherapy. These individuals should be strong enough to tolerate the therapy without experiencing significant complications.

Medical professionals will work with you and your treating healthcare professionals to assess your overall health status before proceeding with HEATT treatment. You may not qualify if you have organ failure or if you cannot walk across a room.

Expanding Applications Beyond Oncology

In addition to potential effectiveness against unresponsive tumors in cancer patients, the Verthermia team is exploring applications of systemic hyperthermia in treating other diseases and conditions. For instance:

  • Viral infections: Hyperthermia has been shown to inhibit viral replication and boost immune response, making it a potential therapeutic option for various viral infections.
  • Tick-borne diseases: Hyperthermia may also help combat tick-borne diseases such as Lyme disease.

As we gain experience with the efficacy of HEATT® in treating various types of cancers and other illnesses, the potential applications for this innovative therapy may continue to expand.

Frequently Asked Questions Hyperthermia Cancer Treatment

How effective is hyperthermia treatment for cancer?

Hyperthermia treatment has shown promising results. It can increase heated blood flow to tumors making cancer cells more susceptible to damage. However, its standalone efficacy varies depending on factors like tumor type, location, and stage.

Is hyperthermia for cancer treatment FDA approved?

HEATT® uses FDA-approved components.

What is the role of hyperthermia in the multidisciplinary treatment of malignant tumors?

In multidisciplinary cancer care, hyperthermia serves as an adjuvant therapy that may enhance the effects of conventional treatments.

Does hyperthermia as a cancer treatment cause immunosuppression?

Hyperthermia treatment does not typically cause immunosuppression. In fact, it can stimulate the immune system, which may lead to a more effective anti-tumor response.


The development of HEATT® has been an exciting journey, and the clinical trials have demonstrated that it can be a successful hyperthermia cancer treatment for both lung and ovarian cancers. We anticipate that this pioneering technique will expand applications, promoting beneficial results for individuals battling many types of advanced unresponsive cancer.

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Contact Us Today

At Verthermia®, we understand that undergoing cancer treatment can be a difficult and overwhelming journey. We are here to support you every step of the way. If you or someone you know is considering hyperthermia as part of their cancer treatment, please contact us today to discuss eligibility.
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